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Somogyi Law Group


Website Somogyi Law Group

When other people are neglectful, there are often serious repercussions for innocent bystanders. From irresponsible driving habits that cause accidents to ice on sidewalks, negligence can cause a great deal of undue harm to unsuspecting victims. When you are hurt because of another person’s actions, it should not fall on you to endure the additional financial consequences of the injury. Your medical costs, rehabilitation, and any other treatment you need for your recovery should be compensated by the party that hurt you. We can reasonably expect this from liable parties because we all have an obligation to uphold the safety of those around us; when lapses in that responsibility cause another person harm, we should be ready to accept the consequences. Parties that are accused of being responsible for injuries dispute the extent of their liability and whether they are liable in the first place. Contentious issues are typically handled in the form of a lawsuit, which may or may not lead to a trial, depending on whether or not a settlement is reached beforehand. The Toronto personal injury lawyers of Mazin & Associates, PC have helped victims of these kinds of situations numerous times and may be able to help you too. Our experienced lawyers serving all of Ontario are poised to seek a settlement for your injury case, and if that is not possible, fight for compensation in court.

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+1 (416) 941-2502
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758 Sheppard Ave W, North York, ON M3H 2S8, Canada

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